The Team

The Colorowdies Team is a select group of riders, voted on by our Board of Directors, who represent our CREW in all aspects of their lives. These riders uphold the standard to #getrowdy and give back. Racing is not a requirement, we select riders who embody passion for riding bikes, dedication to giving back to the community, and a positive influence for Colorado mountain biking.



Jeff Watrobka


Jeremy Bradshaw

Man Behind The Curtain

Mike Melanson

Covert Ledger Lord

Rachel Cusimano

Seeing is Achieving

Travis Cottrell

To Infinite And Beyond



We welcome your contribution as well. We aim to be the hub of Colorado Mountain Biking to ignite the conversation and spread the stoke. As a contributor you’ll be able to provide your content for us to share and promote such as photos, videos, and blogs articles. We invite you to use our community as platform to share your experience, spread the stoke, and tell our story. Contributors are invited to send inquiries to

If you have an expertise in one of these areas we want to hear from you!

Podcast/vlog  //  Video production/editing  //  Writer/blogger  //  Photographer

thank you to our incredible sponsors and supporters

© 2024 Colorowdies, A Colorado Non-profit